I don't think I would make changes in the curriculum, at least not in branches because I feel I don't have enough experience yet to be able to say which branches I think maybe don't add much.

I think that five years, in the case of psychology, studying a degree, not counting the years of specialization, is a long time, but at the same time I also think that if it were less time, perhaps we would not be able to see the necessary material. If we talk about the workload, I would decrease it in order to be able to dedicate the adequate time to each subject, in this way we will not have the need to leave books unread or subjects unstudied. I would also make more classes but of less time duration, for example we currently have classes that last from 10:15 to 13:30 and what I propose is to have more classes but distributed during the week and that last 45 minutes.

I cannot say what I would change about the infrastructure of the university since I have not been able to get to know it due to the pandemic. I find that the current use of technology is already very helpful and I don't think we need more, since we have a lot of access to everything and I find that great, maybe if we use technology so that people with functional diversities can integrate in a better way.

Finally I find that the teaching methods I would love to have more variety but I find that at least in our career the teaching methods applied by our professors is very good. 


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