Post 8: English Language Challenges

 The comments I can make about my experience learning English at the university is that it has been a little difficult, especially when I have to speak or lecture in front of my classmates, since it is a language that is very difficult for me so I get very insecure in the lectures and that makes me very nervous and I feel very embarrassed to speak in front of my classmates. In spite of the above, the English teachers we have had have been very understanding and kind when it comes to teaching us English.

I feel that it has been very entertaining to use blogs to learn English, since having to read your classmates' blogs has been very fun and didactic. The only thing that I personally have found difficult about the blogs is that they have to be weekly and that has been a little complicated for me.

I think the aspects I need to improve in English are quite a few and also in order to improve I will need more years of study about this language. It is very hard for me to speak English, I feel that I do it so badly that I don't dare to speak it and writing it is also very hard for me, the truth is that English has always been hard for me, in school it was also very difficult for me. To improve my English I plan to continue studying and dedicate more time to it.

Outside of English class I don't use English because for now I haven't needed it for my day to day life. 


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